Meet our practitioner Ann-Marie Duberry, who’s been working with Touch Tuina for several years and loves interacting with patients and helping them to improve their overall health.
What did you do before becoming a Tuina practitioner?
OK so before becoming a Tuina practitioner I worked in a local spa doing massage reflexology, hot stones, holistic treatments.
What inspired you to become involved with Tuina?
It works with my ethos, each treatment is individually tailored for my patient’s needs, it works in helping the individual which is important to the way I work.
How long did it take to train? How long have you been a practitioner?
All in all, level 1-2 I think it was about 18 months to 2 years to train, it’s been 3.5 years all together.
What do you like about working with Errol & Mariana?
Their knowledge, their sense of humour. it’s growing from start to finish, there’s always things to learn. You think 1 course and that’s it, but they are always coming up with something else and you think wow, that’s so interesting. So, it’s developing the clinic and developing ourselves which is really good.
What types of clients do you treat?
Everybody from all walks of life, different ages, sexes, religions it doesn’t matter.

Why do you think everyone should try a Tuina treatment?
They don’t know what’s wrong with them until they come here, they think ‘oh I’ve got a sore back’ and then it’s like sore back, then it’s your neck, your legs, they surprise themselves after having the treatment.
What’s your favourite part of the job?
I don’t have one specific part, it’s just meeting the people. We had somebody in just now, with issues that have been going on for years, they said it was normal! It’s not normal, we just asked her a few questions and she was in shock that she’s been going through what she’s been going through for so long and we’ve said this, this, this and this. It’s educating our patients that is important, so they know what’s going on with themselves.
Are there specific treatment areas you specialise in?
I do Western reflexology, I’ve added hot stones into my treatments as well, not in the normal sense, just in specific areas, and also doing oncology.
Do you have any favourite success stories with clients?
There’s so many, there’s just so many. Yesterday we had a lady that’s been coming here for years, and every now and again she has a bout of lung infection, she comes here, she can’t breathe. There was one stage when I saw her at a bad point that brought me to tears and by the next day she was skipping and jumping, not literally, she could breathe, so just knowing that I have the skills and know-how to help somebody.
If you’d like to book an appointment with Ann-Marie Duberry, just get in touch!