Touch Tuina Practitiioer Adrian says 'Tuina changed my lfe' and tells us how it did

Adrian says that Touch Tuina changed his life!

Touch Tuina Senior Practitioner Adrian tells us about how his world has changed since deciding to take a different path and says without hesitation that ‘Tuina changed my life’!

Finding Touch Tuina

‘So how exactly has Tuina changed my life? Well, in a massive way! It’s had a big impact on my life, it’s allowed me to work anywhere in the world and to be a lot more in tune with my body.

It’s also allowed me to look at things from a much wider and a broader perspective. What I mean by that is external pathogens. You might be wondering what those are? Cold, wind, dryness, damp, heat, Tui Na has allowed me to understand how those will affect the body. Another key area is how imbalances affect the body and us.

There are certain things that I shouldn’t do because I know better, but it’s allowed me to say OK, less of this more of that, more of that less of this.

You also have diet; Tui Na has allowed me to understand that more in depth. So with everything I know from Western medicine and then putting it together with the Eastern philosophy, it has just broadened my horizons so much.

In a nutshell, it’s been a big, big, big eye opener for me, I can definitely say Tuina changed my life.’

Before and After Touch Tuina

‘Before I found Touch Tuina, I was working in the construction industry as an HGV driver. This involved a lot of long shifts, loads of different locations. It was fun at the time, but it really took its toll on the body. This is one of the reasons why I found Tui Na, as I went looking for a way to manage my pain. I was relying on chiropractors, sports massages, Thai massages and osteopaths. It ended up that I was going to them a lot, so I started doing my own research, found some mobility associations, people, and I got into yoga, which helped.

I kept saying to myself, what can I do to help me manage the pain? I started out looking into sport massage, but you’ve got to take your clothes off and they use oils etc. There is loads of stigma behind it… When I heard about Tui Na and that it’s done with your clothes on, I thought this is the one, I’ve found it! So I came to Touch Tuina and signed up for the training course. It’s a tool or modality that I can have for the rest of my life, and it can’t be taken away from me. And it can take me anywhere I want to go with it!’

Touch Tuina Practitiioer Adrian says 'Tuina changed my lfe' and tells us how it did

If you’d like to come along to the clinic and try a treatment wirh Adrian, just get in touch to book your appointment!

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