If you're wondering what a Tuina appointment with Adrian will be like, we have the answers here

A Tuina Appointment with Adrian

Would you like to know more about what to expect from a Tuina Appointment with Adrian? Just read on to find out…

‘Hello, I’m Adrian and I’m a Senior Practitioner at Touch Tuina. Here’s what to expect when booking a treatment with me…

After checking in at reception, and filling out your questionnaire if it’s your first time, we’ll ask you how your body is feeling. Do you have any new aches or pains, or other issues we should consider?’

At the beginning of a Tuina appointment with Adrian we'll first check how your body is feeling

‘We’ll start the treatment by putting the sheet over you, the sheet will show us what’s going on. Some of the things we look could be imbalances in the body, is one hip higher than the other, are your muscles unusuallt tight and a host of other things? For the patient in the pictures, the thoracic on the left side is excess to the right side, so this is where I’ll begin the treatment.’

Massaging your body will be a big part of a Tuina appointment with Adrian

‘Every treatment will be slightly different from patient to patient, and visit to visit too, depending on how your body is feeling on the day and what is needed. For this patient the main complaints were tension and tightness in the upper shoulders and neck, and tension in the right calf however on investigation other issues were identified including the left calf and the hips.’

‘This patient received a mixture of Tuina Massage for the whole body but focussing on the thoracic and hip areas, as well as Acupuncture directly into both calves.’

Acupuncture therapy could be part of a Tuina appointment with Adrian

‘So, if you’re looking for help with an issue you might be experiencing, or perhaps a sports massage in London but don’t know what will give you the desired results, come and try out a Tuina massage, we’re certain you won’t regret it!’

To try a Tuina Appointment with Adrian and to book your appointment, just get in touch!

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